Thursday, August 12, 2010

Saying Grace

Despite our vastly varying religious up-bringings, Rob and I have made a point of saying “grace” at dinner each night. We both feel it’s important to show thankfulness and enjoy the opportunity to reflect on our day as a family while highlighting to Toby what is important in life.

Toby loves grace and often reminds us if we’ve forgotten to say it. He also sometimes suggests we say it before breakfast, snack time and lunch and makes a big show of WHO gets to say grace. He USUALLY picks me, but occasionally picks my poor mother who has probably the least amount of religious background of anyone he is related to, but always rallies to the occasion for Toby and does a wonderful job of it. The one person whom he NEVER chooses to say grace is himself.

Tonight we were halfway through our casual mommy-Toby dinner of grilled cheese when his mouth fell open (dropping peas and grilled cheese on the floor) to gasp in horror, “MOMMY! We didn’t say GRACE!!!”

I suggested, since it was just the two of us, that maybe HE could say grace tonight.

Much to my surprise, Toby agreed and promptly bowed his head.

Very slowly, he began as we always do, “Heavenly father, thank you for this food. And thank you…”

I waited with baited breath to see if our 2 years of nightly grace had taught him anything…I was so curious to see what HE was actually thankful for and IF he grasped the concept or not. Would he mention the baby? Would he add anything of his own?

Finally he continued…

“Thank you…for all the kings horses and all the kings men who put humpty dumpty back together again. Tamen!”

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